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Integrating SAP HANA XSA with Microsoft Office 365 Sharepoint Excel using Microsoft Graph API and NodeJS

January 23, 2019 / 9 minute read

In this Blog, I would like to show how to read data from Microsoft Office 365 using Microsoft Graph API and NodeJS and then write this data into SAP HANA XSA tables. Our scenario requirement was to pull data from Excel files on Sharepoint on Microsoft Office 365 and write this data to SAP HANA XSA container tables. We wanted to use the SAP HANA File Adapter which has a section for Sharepoint Configuration. However, the Excel adapter as of HANA 2.0 SPS 3 can only connect to Sharepoint 2013 on premise systems and not Sharepoint on the Microsoft Office 365 Cloud.

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Jay Malla
Founder, Licensed to Code

How to Post an Image from SAPUI5 and Store in HANA DB as BLOB using XSJS

Though there are lots of articles on posting attachments through SAPUI5 and parsing them in XSJS, I had to dig through them to find the solution to upload an image and save this as a BLOB in the HANA database. So I decided to create a simple BLOG so that anyone else, could do this easily in a matter of minutes.

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Jay Malla
Founder, Licensed to Code

SAP HANA Express Edition on AWS for XSA development space issues

January 28, 2018 / 4 minute read

I am writing this BLOG about my experience trying to do XSA development on the SAP HANA Express edition on AWS and the space issues I ran into and how I addressed it. If you are using the HANA Express Edition on AWS, and if you are running into strange behavior and space issues, this BLOG may be helpful.

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Jay Malla
Founder, Licensed to Code